Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Wishing & Hoping & Praying

I was just in a meeting that was SO boring. How boring was it? So boring that I began to imagine escape routes. No possible excuse for just getting up and leaving came to me. Finally, in desperation, I began clicking my heels together 3 times and thinking: there is no place like home, there is no place like home. I opened my eyes. I was still there, people were still droning on (and on and on and on….)

I thought perhaps home is too much to ask for. I’ll lighten up the request. I clicked my heels 3 times and thought: there is no place like my cube, there is no place like my cube. I opened my eyes. I was still there. Inhumane!

I decided to lower my expectations once more. I clicked my heels and thought: there is nothing like the largest possible iced coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts to prevent me from actually falling asleep in front of all these people, there is nothing like the largest possible iced coffee from Dunkin’ Donuts to prevent me from actually falling asleep in front of all these people. Still nothing..
So I stared at the table. For 2 hours.


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