Stars of a Different Variety
Calling Scott Adams… Yesterday at work, we were summoned to a conference call to discuss my divisions’ “important acheivements” from the last year. Even before I get on the call, I’m rolling my eyes. The point of the call was to tell us that of the thousands of people in the division, a select few have been named “Stars” for excellent service and get an exciting gift pack (aka t-shirt). I send off an email to a co-worker to ask: is this a joke? I have things to do. Before she can even respond, the call goes on to explain that “Stars” compete with the “Stars” from other divisions to see which groups employees are “Shooting Stars”. Are we still in kindergarden here? I start looking around to see if everyone else is having as hard a time as I am not laughing. Almost everyone in eyesite seems to be taking this seriously… leading me to believe that my co-workers are stark raving mad! Why on God’s green earth would any company think being called a “Shooting Star” is motivating?
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