Friday, July 09, 2004

Um.. yeah, sure

On my current work project there is a developer who has been consistently behind on all his deadlines and is in general a fuckwit with either little comprehension or little regard for the project requirements (my favorite line of his until today was that since he had coded it a certain way, that must be what the requirements were - even when presented with evidence that he was incorrect). Recently it has become quite apparent that his assignment is just not going to be done (at least correctly) and thus our project is FUBAR. Let the blamestorming begin! On a status call today he comes up with the following: although he realizes that the project manager has consistently asked for updates and always asks if there are any missed deliverable, he didn’t realize that his lack of response to this question would be taken as an assumption that he was on track. And this is because on every other project he has ever worked on (and he’s been a developer since the ’80’s, you know) the project manager has explcitly asked: will you be done - yes or no. Since he has never responded “yes, I will be complete” on this project, it has been his assumption for some time that the project manager understood he was behind and needed help and had escalated this issue. Thus the whole problem is really the project managers fault. And he is officially saying today that NO, he will not be complete. Hope that is clear to everyone.
um: what?? mouths drop, dead silence ensues. He can’t be serious, right? Oh, but you’re wrong.


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