Monday, December 04, 2006

The Once in a Career Momment

If you've been reading along, you'll know that I have many issues with Agile Development - a process loved by those who don't like to write anything down - including (despite what our Agile evangelist says) it's willy nilly nature, failure to plan and outright lack of good analysis. It's a process the developers seem to love, and all other functions on IT projects are left holding the bag. Now, I'm not totally opposed to Agile, it has it's time and place. Certain types of projects would benefit from it's tenents, but not the project I'm currently on. So I've been venting my frustration, risking the 'negative' or 'resistant to change' label.

Then last week Agile training came to my company (note: now that we're 6 months into an Agile project, it's a good time to learn how it works!) and even now the training is only for big wigs and project managers. WELL.. apparently they went through a list of criteria for the types of projects are good candidates for Agile. My project did not meet one of the criteria... not one!

My boss returned from the training, sat on my desk and said: every thing you've been complaining about on your project was listed as something never to do. And there you have it: an actual office redemption... an actual office 'I realize you were right and I acknowledge it' moment. Yeehaw...


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