Friday, April 04, 2003

Goin’ Down in Flames

Yesterday I watched someone shoot themselves in the foot and it was painful. He had come up with a way of building something that he thought was the best long term solution, but had been over ruled by our boss because it would take longer to build than what had been promised. It’s the classic technology: build for the future or get it out in a reasonable timeframe dilemna. So after our status meeting, after the Project Manager had left the room, he presented his idea to the business people despite having explicitly been told not to. What he doesn’t understand is that the business is going to want the long term solution, but still in the short term solution time frame and when we can’t deliver that, we are the failures (whether that seems sane or not, that is how it works in technology - at least where I work). yikes. I kind of watched in horror - knowing that in a way, it was the right thing for him to do, yet also knowing our boss is going string him up by his ankles when he finds out.

Thursday, April 03, 2003

My Orange Asylum

I work in a nuthouse, but sometimes it’s a nuthouse in a good way. Apparently, in a meeting today someone asked the question: what is up with Syracuse: why the Orangeman? Obviously, I wasn’t at this meeting, or I could have told them.. someone took it upon themselves to research the issue, and this email string ensued (subject: Why Orangemen?)

C: (to me): That’s something you can really take pride in.
Me: even better is the story of the Orangeman himself!
At least we didn’t pick Egnaro the Troll!
Let’s go orange!!
C: Oh my word . . .
S: Orange you glad you know that…..
C: I think I hear a rimshot somewhere in the background.
D: Orange you all glad I won’t ask questions like this anymore?
S: But they’re so ap-peeling!
S: Well, we better all get back to the rind now….
C: Take my wife, please.
M: “Say-Your-Excuse” for “Oranging” this email earlier? Ha-Ha-Ho-Ho-He-he

I missed the whole thing because I went downstairs for a soda.

Wednesday, April 02, 2003

Out of the Mouths of Co-Workers..

A co-worker of mine just sent me an email with his biggest lesson learned from working here:

Never, ever do anything that would make an a** kisser look bad in front of the a**

so true…