The network admin just decided that since it's 5pm, he can restart all the servers without warning. I better not have lost everything I was just working on, but I'm thinking the last half hour of my life was a waste.
True stories of life in IT by someone who should have triangle shaped hair
The network admin just decided that since it's 5pm, he can restart all the servers without warning. I better not have lost everything I was just working on, but I'm thinking the last half hour of my life was a waste.
Computerworld has a series on how to survive a bad boss. One section describes the many ways bosses can be bad. I believe my boss exhibits all of them.
My boss, the pointy haired/guy from the office combo (I’m going to call him Pointy Office Official or poo) is one of those people who needs to prove how hip and cool he still is (and by definition someone who wants to do that is not hip or cool). One of the ways he attempts to convey this is by playing a radio in his office. He chooses top 40 music. All he proves is his poseur status. His favorite band is His favorite band, however, is a band (to remain nameless to protect their fragile reputation) who was a minor pseudo indie band who had one hit in the early 90’s (on a major label). Apparently they continue to pump out albums. Who knew? Once at one our torturous staff lunches™ (where we’re required to go out as a group, we have to pay for it ourselves and the conversation so pained that sticking a fork in your eye just to have something to talk about seems appealing), he put the whole staff on the spot.
There was a time when the worst possible boss was the pointy haired boss from Dilbert, but now there is a lower life form: the guy from the Office. Then there is my boss: the pointy haired/guy from the Office combo.